The 90-Day Memoir Project
from memory to memoir in three months
Who is The 90-Day Memoir Project for?
The workshop is for ANYONE who...
dreams of writing a memoir but have no clue where to even start (or, you know, how to actually finish it)
stuck staring at that blank page, feeling overwhelmed or second-guessing themselves at every turn
crave solid guidance, structure, feedback and accountability from other passionate writers
want creative control over their careers, by-pass gatekeepers, fast-track their career, and create big opportunities for themselves
is willing to commit hard for 3 months to finish a first draft
Who is this workshop NOT for?
The workshop is NOT FOR YOU if...
you don’t have a rough idea, theme, or a jumping off point! You do not need to have a fully realized idea (we’ll discuss this in your Zoom consultation), but you do need to have some understanding of what you want to write about (i.e. your family, divorce, growing up in a cult, your relationship with food, etc). If you want to write but don’t know what to write about, I highly recommend enrolling in Story 1!
you can’t seriously commit to making your book a top priority for three months
you want to write fiction
you think your book will be ready for publishing at the end of 90 days
you don’t feel confident in your writing. You do not have to be an incredible writer yet, we’ll get there! But if you cringe or experience intense writer’s block when opening a blank document, consider enrolling in Story 1
2025 is the year you write your book.
What is covered in the 90-Day Memoir Workshop?
chapter outline
book build
book plan
voice, tone, elevator pitch
self-publishing guidance
book proposal guidance
one group feedback session
personalized notes on up to 2000 words
MONDAYS 6:30-9:30
February: 3, 10,17, 24
March: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
April: 7, 14, 21
$1399 for 12 weeks of office hours, hands-on coaching, support + accountability, 12 group classes, a digital copy of The Written in Brooklyn 90-Day Memoir Workbook, What Now Handbook, and 1 private coaching session.
Creating the foundation.
Writing a book is an extraordinary endeavor. And though it comes with great fullment and reward, the process takes time and self-discovery. The purpose of this course is to finish your first draft. Through a series of questions, exercises, worksheets, mini-lectures, your personal book plan and accountability sessions, you will create a solid foundation of a book and avoid making crucial, time-consuming mistakes later down the line.
Unlike most online courses which rely on pre-recorded videos and offer little to no feedback, The 90-Day Memoir Project is held live via Zoom and fosters a supportive community of creatives, all helping one another on the path to becoming an author.